Sunday 29 November 2009

Taking Stock

I thought it would be useful to review my learning log so far and consider what I have learnt before moving onto the next stage in the course.

The key thing that sticks in my mind, my new toy if you like, is the use of focal length as a tool to create the image I have in mind. Previously my choice of lens was generally based upon how far away I was. This is now a key decision in the execution of a shot. The downside of this is that I change lenses far more now, often while out and about, so the inevitable sensor dust is more likely. I have included 2 "landscape" shots here, taken with long focal length. This is probably more a function of where I live, and the opportunities I get for taking photos (generally whilst dog walking in the local rural area). Those scenes lack water, and are also quite detailed, which makes them less suited for wide angle views.

Despite being ready to move onto "Elements of Design", I have still not completed project 8 "Recording a sequence". This is perhaps indicative of my reluctance to photograph people, but also partly logistics and the time of year.

Another learning point of interest was in the balance section, whereby placing a smaller subject close to the edge of the frame gives it more weight.

The Golden Section introduced me to the Fibonacci golden spiral, which I found a particularly attractive composition concept.

I have uploaded some images which incorporate a lot of the key learning points from the first section of the course.

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