Wednesday 17 February 2010

Project 36: Warm & Cool Colours

Well this is the final colour project, requiring 3 images:

1. Composed entirely of cool colours
2. Composed entirely of warm colours
3. Displaying contrast of warm & cool colours

Emotionally, warm colours are vivid and energetic, and tend to advance in space. They include reds, oranges & yellows. Cool colours have a calm soothing effect and include green, blue & purple. The first thing that I noticed is how many of my photos contain cool colours. Blue is my favourite colour, and I like images which are "soothing" so perhaps that is why I am unconsciously drawn to creating those sort of images. Perhaps it is because we have just gone through winter, where cool colours are more abundant, compared to the warming colours of Autumn. I will be using several of those images in Assignment 2.

For the warm & cool contrast, I chose to photograph Blyth beach huts in low sun. This brought out the warmth further in the appropriately painted doors, and in the wood surround, but contrasted against the blue sky. I also photographed a lifebuoy in the same light - thanks to fellow blogger "Purple Cactus" for his texture that I used to give the image a retro seaside look.


  1. Hi Isobel

    Such a nice group of photos here and I am so glad that you were able to use one of my textures :o)

    My blog is lacking of late but mostly because I am busy with creating a new website and, to be honest, a lack of inspiration for anything to write. I really should get another entry in soon though so thanks for reminding me.

    It's a shame that you are not around on flickr at the moment but we have to do what we have to do. It certainly looks as though the course is going well!

    I will have to find some time and take a proper wander through your entries and see what I can learn :o)

    So, Have fun and keep in touch

  2. Thanks Pete! I can see myself becoming hooked on textures, yours are a superb set.
