Saturday 16 January 2010

Project 25: Rectangles

I found this project much harder than the "lines" in terms of finding suitable situations and scenarios that also produced interesting images. Whilst I could find plenty rectangles, the resulting images were bland, I note that the 3 examples given in the notes all contain a human subject to add interest to the scene. I attempted to do this above with the shot from my living room. It contains lots of rectangles due to the fire and TV cabinet/ cupboards although it is not possible to include both of those in the image as rectangles because of the angle of the fire to the cupboard. This was taken with a point and shoot after dark, so it is noisy and unsharp, however I liked the concept of the image whereby it was repeated in the tv screen. I may try this again when the light is better (and the mess has been tidied up).

The church tower was difficult to capture in an exact rectangle, and the image did require some correction of the converging verticals.

Probably the most "interesting" image was a shot of a doorway of a disused pub on Newcastle Quayside, although this would mainly be of local interest. "The Cooperage" is one of the oldest buildings in Newcastle (only the Keep & Castle are older) and dates back to the 13th century. It was very rustic inside and was always very busy. Much regeneration has taken place around this area, including brand new flats, and sadly the pub was closed in 2009 after noise complaints from said flats, after 30 lifetimes. The pub was full of smashed glass inside, although the bar stools were still standing inside. I chose to photograph the door, aside from the rectangles, because of the Geordie humour chalked above on the door.

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